PaTHES Conference Program for 13-15 June 2023
Tuesday 13-th June 2023 (European Solidarity Centre)
15.00 – 15.30
Opening of the conference – Jarosław Jendza & Piotr Zamojski
Solidarity and ethics – a welcome from the Chair of PaTHES – Søren S. E. Bengtsen
Protocol instruction – Jarosław Jendza & Piotr Zamojski
15.30 – 17.00 – A guided tour of the permanent exhibition at European Solidarity Centre
17.00 – 17.30 – Coffee break
17.30 – 19.00 – Parallel sessions
Solidarity, Relationality, and the University: Rethinking Human Agency – SYMPOSIUM
Presenters: B. M. Grant, F. Kelly, K. Locke, S. Sturm
Equality, Speculation, and Community Building
Chair: Piotr Zamojski
I. Snir, “Academia for Equality”: practising academic solidarity in Israel/Palestine
K. Inouye, Developing the Concordat Action Plan: reflections and insights into merging knowledge
R. Toft Nørgård, S. Bayne, Solidarity through speculation
Independent Individual, Knowledge Empire, and Revisiting Marxism
Chair: Søren Smedegaard Bengsten
J. Krzeski, K. Szadkowski, Academic Robinson and the (im)possibility of solidarity
Y. Harlap, On bullshit work and solidarity: autoethnographic reflection
D.A. Aarø Engen, Developing independence: creating common spaces for one’s-self and other selves
A. Oleksiyenko, The challenges of de-sovietization and intellectual leadership in the post-soviet space of higher education
19.00 – 19.15 Comfort break
19.15 – 20.15 Keynote – Solidarity: The Message and Event of Togetherness – Tomasz Szkudlarek
20:15 – 20:30 Presidential talk by Ronald Barnett
20.30 – 21.30 Welcome reception
Wednesday 14-th June – UG Social Sciences Faculty – Campus “Oliva”
10.00 – 12.00 Parallel sessions
Outreaching dialogue, learning apparatus, and being a student
Chair: Beata Karpińska – Musiał
G. Dall’Alba, Solidarity with students: Questioning a universal (hu)man in the university
Ch. Smit, I. Hoofd, Complexities of Fostering Solidarity and Community-Engaged Learning: where, with whom, for what
P. Geis, Building solidarity with higher education professionals through philosophical dialogues
B. Custers, University education conceptualized through the lens of a language of learning and a language of university education
Teaching, Recognition, Academic Cultures and Disciplines
Chair: Ronald Barnett
C.J. Slokvik Hansen, A culture of teaching. The inheritance and tradition of teaching in higher education
F.F. de Oliveira, The recognition sphere in life project as higher education practice in Brazil
M. Torgeirdatter Dahl , Systemic configurations of the didactical triangle.
Decapitation, Slowing down, Friendship, Emplacement and Other Forms of Resistance
Chair: Piotr Zamojski
K. Locke, K. McChesney, Solidarity in a landscape of decapitation: Women in the academy speaking with Hélène Cixous
R. Toft Nørgård, B. Grant, A. Bosanquet, Sluggish solidarity? Slow scholars in the accelerated university
S. Tu, Solidarity, Symbiosis, and the university: professor-student friendships as entangled configurations for anti-oppressive futurities
M. Bednarski, Academic Solidarity and placement: how does Universitas depend on place?
Solidarity and the Role of Collective Experiences
Chair: Krystian Szadkowski
F. Dakka, An ethics of rhuthmos in the (activist) university – exploring new forms of solidarity, integrity and compassion within and against the university
R. Brauer, Building solidarity and scientific truth: through a preference for epistemology
F. Krawczyk, The imagination of anti-systemic solidarity or compliance to imperialism? A case of Polish socialist students’ journal “Po prostu” (1947 – 1953)
S. Maruszewski, Post-cultural studies in higher learning
12.00 – 13.00 Coffee break + Brunch
13.00 – 16.00 Solidarity and University workshops (Various locations)
16.00 – 16.30 Coffee break
16.30 – 18.30 Parallel sessions
Solidarity as Crisis. Vulnerable Humanities and the Regrowth of the University – SYMPOSIUM
Presenters: R. Barnett, S. S. E. Bengtsen, A. Gibson, B. Grant, H. Nuriler
The Joyful Community and the University
Chair: Jarosław Jendza
F. Kelly, ‘Building a place to enclose life and work’: a university history of living and material things
V. d’Agnese, Enacting commonality. Practices of resistance against neoliberal university
J. Vlieghe, P. Zamojski, Between joy and justice. Is solidarity what university practices are really about?
R. Gildersleeve, Community + Learning, a solidarity of praxis
Crisis, Citizenship and Academic Freedom in the Construction of Solidarity
Chair: John Petrovic
A. Dziedziczak-Foltyn, Universities in the times of crisis – solidarity inside and outside the institution
T. DeLaquill, Solidarity within and without political structures: Distinctions between international justice and collective responsibility
S. Carney, Academic citizenship and the cosmopolitan university
S. Westa, B.Custers, Exploring academic freedom, its constraints and the role of solidarity in exercising it
20.00 – 22.00 Conference dinner – European Solidarity Centre
Thursday 15-th June – UG Social Sciences Faculty – Campus “Oliva”
10.00 – 12.00 Parallel sessions
Bureaucracy, Academic Life, and Experiences of Solidarity
Chair: Piotr Zamojski
R. Brauer, M. Dymitrow, Solidarity and the Kafkaesque administrative apparatus of the university
E. Hektoen, In search of the I – fragments of a transformative experience
S. McLellan, Solidarity for academic life
Epistemic Responsibility, Truth, and the Virtue of Thoughtful Labour
Chair: John Petrovic
I. Lechner, J. Tijdink, Co-creating tools to foster the epistemic responsibilities of universities
S. van Kuppenveld, In Search of Solidarity: a Virtue of Individuals and Institutions
A. Zuurmond, Demystifying science. Simone Weil on ‘workers universities’
Transforming Higher Education in India, Italy, Germany, and Poland
Chair: Jarosław Jendza
C. Banchetti, M. Slavutzky, M. Capaccioli, Transformative learning and dual training: a comparative case study between Italy and Germany
Ł. Remisiewicz, Academic achievement metrics and the threats to the solidarity and integrity of the sciences
D.K. Choudhury, Does Philantrophy Bring Solidarity to Universities? Some New Evidence from India
P. Białka, Quality, excellence and solidarity within university
Geoethics, Hospitality and Research with Community
Chair: Krystian Szadkowski
A. Gibson, The normative status of the humanities as a metadiscipline and the ‘demarcation problem’
M. van der Kloet, A. Wagner, Responsibility, ethics and knowledge production: how racialised academic staff in Canada engage in the social production of research with community
A. Guilherme, Hospitality in Homer’s Odyssey: Some educational lessons regarding the duty of hosts [countries and individuals] and of guests [immigrants and refugees]
S. Mendonça, Geoethics and University: the urgency of solidarity
12.00 – 12.30 Coffee break
12.30 – 14.30 Solidarity and University discussion and closing of the conference